Funny how one smallish project becomes two bigger projects. We've wanted to fix the exhaust/ventilation issue in the kitchen for a while now, and earlier this month we reached the point of no return. Brian did some research on the microwave above the stove and discovered that it could be switched from (useless) recirculating to an up and out exhaust. Sounded like a good plan! We would need to pull the microwave down to change the fan, and then install some duct work and an exterior vent. On a Saturday morning, we removed the microwave and knew immediately it was never going back up.
Removing that big black box made that part of the kitchen feel so much BIGGER and BRIGHTER! We quickly decided to head out and look for a vent hood. We ended up with one from IKEA, and after a trip or two to Lowe's, we had everything we needed to install the new exhaust system.
The night before we started this project, I woke Brian up to tell him that we had to paint the kitchen, that I couldn't live with that color one more day. The kitchen and dining area always felt so dark with an unpleasant amber glow. The cabinetry has a red hue, and along with the red-based beige walls, that room was angry and visually loud. So as we were getting the supplies for the vent work, I picked out three sample pots of Valspar paint.
Over the next week, we worked on finishing the venting and finished by painting.We used Comet Dust by Valspar; it's a good bridge between the blue hall and living room and the gray bedroom. Oh how we love it! Brian no longer has to duck to see what he's cooking - with the added bonus of not having the exhaust blow right in his face - and the whole room feels so much brighter and happier. Even better, it no longer feels like a misstep compared to the other rooms.
Before (on inspection day)
After. |
Before |
After |
Before |
After |
Standing in our bedroom, looking through the dining area into the hall. The layered colors work so well together. |
Standing in the living room, looking into the dining area and the dark TV room. |
Again in the living room, looking down the hall. Dining on the right, office beyond. |